The service Linda provides is incredible and definitely needed. Her work is AHHMAZZING!!! and her level of understanding is extraordinary. It's the sort of thing I was wishing I had. I really love the fact that this is self-guided. I found the somatic exercises very helpful. They helped me get more in touch with my body. I felt noticeably lighter afterward.
My back issues completely resolved during the year I spent focusing on my healing in Self-Healer Source. I highly recommend it to anyone who sincerely wants to take their overall health and wellness into their hands, looking for a holistic, mind-body-soul approach. It is absolutely worth the investment and YOU are worth the investment of the time and energy you put into your own healing and growth. Self-Healer Source is a comprehensive, one-stop-shop for learning to love yourself and practicing the art and science of healing. I highly recommend it to anyone who sincerely wants to take their overall health and wellness in their hands, looking for a holistic, mind-body-soul approach.
Self-Healer Source is a space that is rooted in love and compassion. Linda’s teachings and coaching are gentle pushes that have an impact. She is direct, real, and also compassionate toward your journey, wherever you may be. Self-Healer Source provides the grounding information you need to make lasting daily changes, in a way that is both deep and gentle. I had been functioning like a robot before. Now I am more loving and compassionate to myself. I used to have a lot of negative self-talk, focused my energy on bad habits, and now I am aware and can consciously center myself. I am no longer ignoring feelings and pushing through the day. I already notice a difference in being more present about how I show up for myself. I am now very mindful of how what I think and do affect my nervous system, something that I had never practiced before her program. Linda breaks down the information in a way that I can process, then reflect on how it applies to me, so I can apply it in my daily life. She brings us full circle. I am no longer ignoring feelings, and pushing through the day—I am more aware, more present, and more intentional in my daily experiences and relationships.
I definitely recommend Self-Healer source to anyone on a healing journey. If you are new to healing, Self-Healer Source is really accessible for beginners like me. It breaks down the key fundamentals to healing, and explains why your mind and body are so connected. Many of the themes and connections resonated with me. The topics are so universal. I also really found solace in the guided meditations.
Self-Healer Source is amazing! It gives you the background to understand the nervous system and tools and reflection needed to begin the healing journey. I found this program more empowering than other programs I've tried. It gave me the comfort to know I can do this and have the tools and ability. I recommend Self-Healer Source to those on a healing journey so you can get a deeper understanding of yourself and tools that help with self-healing.
I recommend Self-Healer Source because Linda takes you on a massive deep dive into the process of your own self-healing. The journey she leads you on is all-encompassing and rich with tools and techniques covering the whole spectrum of each aspect of your life. It’s truly a path of self-examination and discovery that takes you from autopilot to profound self-discovery.